
September 18 update.

Things are alright this morning. Cutting back on soda is already making a difference with my stomach. The goal is to cut the habit completely and limit soda drinking to "the occasional treat". I prefer to taper down instead of going cold turkey, due to caffeine withdrawal being something that will absolutely goon my ass.

We're taking our cat to the vet today. He's got some scabbing on his pawpads. My guess is maybe he stepped in something outside or has been cleaning them overmuch. He hasn't seemed to be in pain about it, nor is he lethargic at all, so that's good at least. I'm concerned we may not be able to identify the culprit and will only be able to treat the problem, but that's better than nothing.

Partner's had their hands full with work and other projects. I'm trying to step up and do more around the house, especially as I'm not working right now. I'm still getting used to it being okay that I'm not formally employed. It should be relaxing but usually it just makes me feel uneasy or like I'm not pulling my weight.

They've been replaying Witcher 3; it's been close to a decade since we saw it last. I'm still miffed at CDPR for half the shit surrounding 2077 (god, that was a discourse nightmare), but I'm still impressed by the general quality of W3. I don't know it well enough to totally vouch for it, but it does seem to bear itself and its stories with a dignity and gravity that some other games of its ilk lack.

But as regards myself, it's still FFXIV and Tekken 8. I've been playing Kuma again and trying to work in more fundies and other stuff I've picked up through playing Leo. I like Kuma a lot, even if I don't like an i15 df1. Or most of Kuma's 3s and 4s. But there's a lot of fun and weird tools to work with.

Apart from that, I've just been trying to work on this and the continued process of unplugging from social media. Trying to be more diligent about bookmarking and archiving, too. And I've been checking out other blogs. I grew up reading a lot of blogs, but Twitter largely supplanted that until recently. It's been interesting getting back to them, since it really is a different kind of posting. Don't have anything to recommend at the moment, but I'll try to do so as relevant.

#cat #tekken #update