
I'm here for now!

So, for now, I'm moved in here. Welcome to!

Why that hostname? Well, I'm frequently a kobold, and occasionally (or rarely, for now) on stream. And it was cheap as hell. I wanted something short and snappy, and that fit the bill.

I'm mostly planning to use this as a personal blog, but I'll be motivated to write short stories or give my thoughts on various topics from time to time. I'm trying to shift away from most social media -- Discord is probably the current exception as it's the de facto home for a lot of online communities I'm in -- in part because I want to manage my time better and in part because some of those sites stimulate some pretty unhealthy behaviors in people. Which, sadly, I'm no exception to. So hopefully this ends up being some form of detox.

If you're in the position I'm in (life after cohost), you might be seeing a lot of people do something like this, or thinking about doing it yourself. Hopefully the novelty has not worn off yet. If you know me, feel free to add me on Discord (scratchingway) or shoot me an email! If you're blogging I'd be interested in seeing it, and if not I'd still like to be able to get in touch.