

This is a crosspost from my blog over on Mataroa. I'm checking this site out as well to figure out which I like more.

Feels weird to just make a test post, plus it's been a week or so since my last blog, so I'll just update as usual. Old posts might end up here eventually, since there's not many of them, but maybe not. I don't mind if a few things get lost in the move.

I forget how I ended up learning of this site, but I was stoked to see that people are still developing simple, clean, light services. Since I don't need anything fancy, this felt like a good fit for me. Shame that the folding of cohost is forcing a move, but few things last forever.

Life's been alright. I've been feeling ill lately, and my neck and shoulder have been kinda rough, so I'm trying to take the hint and stretch more/play less. I'm still young, sure, but I'm trying to be conscientious of the fact that I can't be as reckless with myself as I was in my 20s or early 30s.

Trying to figure out which projects I want to move forward with. I have some string art on the horizon that I'm doing for sure, which'll be fun. I'll try to remember to post it here. I'm attempting to refresh my familiarity with Lua/Löve2D as well. And I do still have a ton of games I'd like to play -- continuing to learn Tekken, plus I want to check out some of the KH side games, and of course UFO 50 is right on the horizon.

Continuing to keep abreast of reading, but I'm splitting my attention maybe too much: I'm halfway into Hans Küng's text on Judaism and Eugen Weber's Peasants into Frenchmen, but I also have various books on geography pulling at me. Doesn't help that I want to give these and other books a second read to help myself understand them better. There's never enough free time, and I've got more than most right now.

Emotionally, I've been kind of off-balance lately. I'm taking trivial things too seriously and not devoting enough of myself to what matters, and so I've been more angry than I need to be and not utilizing it effectively. But at least I'm aware of that, so I can work on it.

Anyway, I'm ready for autumn. August was surprisingly mild here, but September has still been pretty hot. I've been exercising regularly again and am eating less (not better, really, but less), so I'm handling the heat better than I have, but the Texas summer has long worn out its welcome.

These update-style posts are alright, but I do need to get around to writing more long-form blogs about particular topics. I'd like to better solidify my thoughts about a couple of topics (the wastefulness of some social media platforms/AI, personal emotional stuff, some of what I've been reading or what I plan to work on), so maybe that'll be coming up. Assuming I set aside the time I need to.

Thanks for reading! Take care.